Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Squeek had squeaky clean bathroom

Many years ago when we were working with the Cedar Grove church out from Andalusia Doug and I were visiting in the home of Tom and Squeek Rabren. I used her bathroom and noticed how sparkling clean it was. The floors were spotless. It was just like we would want all our bathrooms to be. So, you know me, I went back and asked her how she kept her bathroom so sparkling clean. She said, "After I get my bath and am finished for the night I take my bath cloth and wipe everything down. She did it daily. Simple enough, don't you think? Now my personal secret to moping the bathroom floor is pouring cleaner on the floor, taking my wet bath cloth and spread it out on the floor. I then take an angled inexpensive broom, place it on the bath cloth and mop it that way. I can manage wringing out the bath cloth several times easier than a regular mop and it is both convenient and handy. The broom is easy to wash out. That may be more information than you would like to read today but since I have just done it...have a good day.

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