Friday, June 21, 2019

Celebrating 76 years of memories

There's a lot to think about on birthdays, especially one as old as mine today. Let me say "thank you" first of all to all of you sweet people who are wishing me a happy birthday. I really appreciate it but didn't expect it. But, as I was saying, I am thinking about the little I know which happened today was 76 years ago. Mama had me in the front room of a little government house down near Opp, AL. I've made a picture of the neighboring house to the one where I was born. The house I was born in has long been remodeled and even bricked up as well as added onto. The picture you see shows a carport on the little government house and of course, it wasn't there. Daddy thumbed his way into town since he didn't have a car at the time and had no need of a carport.

Mama told me that the coffee man came the day I was being born and brought this beautiful cut glass dish. I've treasured it all these years. It has been broken and glued back together but it still holds precious memories for me. She saved it and I have done the same.

Dr. Hayes delivered me at home and guessed I weighed about seven pounds. I remember mama saying she saw stars when I was born which were caused by the pain. She said Daddy came in and said, "You won't ever have to go through that again. You have your little girl now." They already had two boys, Grady Hoyt, and Beamon Herschel and here I came. She wanted to name me after both of my grandmothers and then she had a name she wanted to call me, so I was forever named Nancy Evie Glenda Williams. You know the rest of my name since I married a Williams. Mama said she took me to the doctor as a little girl to see if I was growing correctly since I was so small. He told her there was nothing wrong with me. Guess that was the last time she had to worry about me being "too small."

This has been a good life. I've been blessed in so many ways. We didn't have much but we didn't need much. Mama told me early on, "You may not have as much as other girls but you have your character and if you will keep your character clean, you will be alright."

Mama and I were close all of my life. As a young girl, the highlight of the day was the two of us going outside to the outdoor toilet at night before bed. That's when we had our "girl talk" sessions. I was scared to death to stand at the door and hold it while mama used the potty, and some nights it was mighty cold to be outside, but we still enjoyed our time together.

Ah, there's so much I could share but suffice it to say I'm blessed. God is so good, always has been, always will be.