Thursday, June 18, 2009

Red Birds Out My Window

Spring arrived. We were at the kitchen table looking out the large double window as we ate breakfast and I saw them. Two red birds, a male and female, were gliding across the yard together. It was obvious they were a team, a pair, working together, and may I say lovers?

I have always resented just a little bit that the male red bird is prettier than the female. I like bright colors, especially red. Grandma Bryant always said "a little red will help anything," and I tend to agree with her. So red birds are one of my favorite birds. The woodpecker is second in line.

I watched the birds as the male sat at the feeder. The female was on the ground below. I noticed he got a particular seed in his beak and flew down where his lady was waiting. He walked over to her and for a moment I thought they were kissing. He gently touched his beak to hers and gave her the gift he had brought to her. She accepted it and he flew back up to the feeder. Again he brought her something and she took it. On and on this continued that day, and the next, and the next, and I got in dangerous poses at the kitchen window, trying to conceal myself as I snapped pictures.

I watched the little birds day after day as they worked together in their routine and wished to know even more about them. Sometimes they would sit at the feeder and still he would get the particular seed and take it to her. Wherever one was I could look and find the other nearby.

It was the most beautiful sight I thought I had ever seen. There he was showing love to her by staying with her, by providing for her, and protecting her. He was working with her in caring for her well being and no doubt showing his respect and love for her being the future mother of his children. And God planned it all, just that way. Is there not a lesson in this for us, the greatest of his creations? I think so. Learning a lesson from the birds--the bees were no where to be seen. Nature will teach us if we are receptive to their examples.


Last Saturday, June 13, 2009, has to go down in history as one of the most memorable occasions in mother's life. She turned 98 on June 11, and the 13th was the closest time to celebrate. We reserved a room at Ryan's Restaurant in Enterprise. Patsy and Herschel brought balloons for the tables and I dressed mother for the occasion. She wore a soft red suit, a tiara, a sash that had "Happy 98th Birthday" on it, and carried a bouquet of red roses. Maggie Moyer and Kellee Jackson, her daughter, provided the sash, tiara and roses. She could not have looked more beautifully. As if it was planned that way, she woke up feeling good Saturday morning even though she couldn't remember what we planned to do that day. It was a good day for her and for us.

We arrived at the restaurant and lots of the guests were already in the room waiting for us. As I wheeled her through the restaurant someone said, "Now we know who the party is for." Mother was so glad to see everybody and enjoyed the food and fellowship.
After enjoying a wonderful buffet meal, the birthday cake was brought out with the numerical candles. After eating the cake she opened gifts and cards brought by those attending. She was so proud of everything she received. It is amazing how much gifts mean to an elderly person, no matter how small or large.

Each year we wonder if this will be the last birthday we will celebrate with mother. Should this be the last, we can all rest in knowing that we did our best and she enjoyed it very much. It could not have been any better in planning, her health, the weather, and everything pertaining to it. There were family members who were unable to attend due to sickness, work and distance and we regret that very much. Her three children and companions, except Patsy who was sick, were with her to honor and help celebrate her day and that made it very special for her. Who knows? Maybe next year we can all be there!!!! We'll work toward that end and thank God for every lovely day she is here with us.