Monday, June 22, 2020

I Wonder

I wonder if the little birds roost in the same place each night.

I wonder what time the little birds go to roost at night.

I wonder what time the little birds awake in the morning.

I wonder how the little birds communicate with each other.

I wonder what the little birds do in the rain and heavy storms.

I wonder how the little birds choose their mates.

I wonder how the little birds decide on a place to make their nest.

I wonder if the little bird’s songs are recognizable by their mate.

I wonder how long the little bird's lifespan is.

I wonder if the little birds keep the same mate for life.

...and I stand in amazement that not one of them falls to the ground without our heavenly father knowing (Matthew 10:29).

...and I stand in amazement that our heavenly Father feeds them (Matthew 6:26).

And if He cares for the little birds of the air, I know He cares for me and you.

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