The year 2020 will stand out in everyone’s memory because of the Coronavirus spreading across the world and causing such havoc. I remember as a young girl mother and daddy talking about the Great Depression. My brother told how he had a paper tablet to do his school work in. The teacher let him use half of it the first half of the year and the other half for the last half of the school year. My mother told of how sugar and necessities of life were rationed by the government. That was a date that was remembered in their lives.
In Elba in 1929 there was what Daddy called a great flood in Elba and indeed it was. He told of how he rescued people from the roofs of their houses into a boat he was riding. That date stood out in daddy’s memory. He never forgot it.
In our lives the next great flood of Elba happened in 1990 when we lost everything in our house in downtown Elba. We shoveled out our muddy belongings through the doors of the house.The things that we loved and held dear to our hearts were gone forever. That date stands out in our memory.
September 11, 1911, will forever be etched in everyone’s mind when the World Trade Center was destroyed by terrorists. The President claimed they had woken up a sleeping giant and we wouldn’t forget. He was right.
And now today as we are approaching the third week of being homebound by the laws of the land, excluding emergencies, I think of a far greater day that is coming. I look up into the beautiful clouds floating through the air and I try to imagine hearing the trumpets blowing on the four corners of the earth and seeing our Lord coming in the clouds to meet us in the air, declaring that time will be no more. That will be a day like no other. I sometimes think, “Come Lord Jesus,” so I can be alive and see it and then I remember that the Bible says no one will be cheated out of seeing that marvelous sight because It says “every eye shall see Him.” Doesn't that give you chill bumps? I am so glad that our Lord planned His return so everyone can first see Him that way.
We know that great day is coming. It is going to happen. Everyone who has ever lived will see the Lord when He returns in the clouds. He will never set foot on the earth because the earth will be destroyed by fire. We will meet Him in the air. At that time life as we know it will cease to exist. There will be no more opportunities to read our Bibles, attend services of the church, do a good deed, repent or give our lives to the Lord. Time will be no more. That will be a day we won’t have to remember. We will live with the Lord in eternity forever in that heavenly city. May we be ready to meet Him when He comes.
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