Thrift Store Finds
This morning I had a Dr.'s appointment in Elba. I had asked Doug to go with me and asked to come back and tour the old Perry's Store to see the thrift store in it. I had heard it advertised earlier. I recall as a little girl mother and daddy taking me to Perry's Store and purchasing my first pair of 401 overalls. I was so proud to have overalls like my daddy wore, and believe me, I wore them proudly. First of all, when inside the old building I was stunned when the owner came up and started talking to me. He introduced himself as Bob and kept talking. I thought I recognized him as a fellow classmate from Elba High School. Obviously, he did not recognize me but to make sure, I asked his last name. He said "Stuckey." The three of us rambled around the what some might call "junk store." When almost at the front of the store again, Bobby went outside to his truck and brought back a picture album. He said his wife didn't want him to sell it since she felt bad getting rid of the pictures. I thumbed through the album and immediately started recognizing some of those pictured. Imagine my surprise to see my grandmother's family members pictured and possible even her as a little girl. I can hardly put it down. In the picture with this post, I believe the lady named Alice pictured on the left side of John in the center, to be my Grandmother Alice Nancy Kendrick Williams. (I wear her name!) John Kendrick was her brother. Some of the pictures in the album are the same as I have seen for years. Can you imagine my joy for only $5.00?