Friday, February 17, 2017

The Old Chimney Entertained Me After School

Dot Gatlin Merritt and I have been friends a long time. On FB tonight and had my memories flowing following her post about memories of childhood. It reminded me that we had a chimney on the side of our old unpainted wood house on the packing house road in Elba. In the afternoons after coming home from school I entertained myself by taking my little-painted ball with stars on it and throwing it against the chimney as high up as possible. When it hit the ground I jumped over it for fun. I ran after it, came back and repositioned myself and did it all over again.

I remember counting the bricks coming down at an angle on the side of the chimney. There were 13 bricks coming out like small doorsteps to make the chimney wider at the bottom section. My ball hit in the widest part at the top. Guess that is one of the reasons I have counted things all my life.

When we worked with the church at Cedar Grove near Andalusia, the walls were knotty hole pine paneling. I sat on the second row from the front on the left side. There was one panel at one time I could tell you how many knot holes were in it. Seems like it had 30 something. Silly me.

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