Monday, November 7, 2011

Children's success may be because Mama and Daddy prayed

The older our children become, the more we seem to pray for them.

There comes a time in life when a parent has to turn over the directing of their children's lives totally to the Lord. We guided, we directed, and we encouraged until they were just sprouting their wings and about to fly, and they grew away from us. We told the Lord that He had blessed them with their talents, He knew where He needed them, and we no longer knew how to direct them. We turned them over to Him by asking that He direct their paths and keep them true to Him. And He's done an excellent job of it too. Quite frankly, much better than we ever did, even though we depended on Him a lot when they were growing up.

But, I've been thinking lately about something. I've been thinking that children grow up and become successful, and they do quite well on their own. But I just wonder how much success they have because they had a mother and daddy back home praying for their success.

Hmmmmmmm. Guess it doesn't matter anyway.

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