Being a member of Weight Watchers, I constantly have "Weigh-in" time on my mind. For those who may not know, weigh-in is when we get to WW, find the card with all our information on it, take it to clerk and pay our weekly fee, take it to the instructor, step up on the scale and see how much weight we have lost, or gained, during the past week. It is the time we have to give account of how well, or badly, we have done with our eating habits during the past week. As the saying goes, we think about it morning, noon and night.
As Christians, I suggest we have a weigh-in time also: Each day we need to:
- Weigh-in our attitude - The Bible says, "This is the day which the Lord hath made, we will rejoice and be glad in it" (Psalm 118:24). We need to start our day on track with a good attitude. We should be thankful things are as well with us as they are.
- Weigh-in our job performance - Whether a homemaker, a retired person, or a person who works at a public job, we need to determine that today, whatever we have to do, we will do it as if we are working for the Lord. We are, you know. We should give an honest day's work for an honest day's pay. 2 Thess. 3:10; Col. 3:17.
- Weigh-in our friends - We need to look at the people with whom we associate. Are they people who will encourage us and make us a better person? We need to associate with those who will help us go to Heaven. 1 Corinthians 15:33.
- Weigh-in the places we go. We need to question ourselves by asking if we would take Jesus with us everywhere we go. Would we be comfortable with Him walking beside us? He does, you know. Matthew 28:20; Isa. 41:10.
- Weigh-in our tongue - As Christians we should be people of few words. We should listen more than we speak. Our son, who is an educator, has an owl puppet that often tells the children, "I never learned a thing when I was speaking." We need to weigh-in the words we speak, to always speak those things becoming to a Christian. Filthy talk, or suggestive jesting, should never exit the mouth of a follower of Christ. "Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaketh" (Matthew 12:34). Proverbs 23:7; James 1:19.
- Weigh-in our faith - We need to evaluate our life, our faith (2 Corinthians 13:5). God has a purpose for each one of us. He placed us here for a reason. There is something He wants us to do. Are we giving our lives to the Lord? Are we fulfilling His purpose in our life? Have we given ourself to the Lord by becoming a Christian?
- Weigh-in for eternity - The great "weigh-in" is coming when each of us will stand before God and give an account of our life. 2 Corinthians 5:10. We need to weigh-in daily by evaluating our day to see if it has been what the great Teacher would expect, or want us to do.
Nothing is more rewarding to the Weight Watchers member than to step on the scale to weigh-in and hear the words, "You did great!" Nothing will be more rewarding to the Christian than to weigh-in before the Great Judge and hear the words, "Well done, good and faithful servant....enter thou into the joy of thy Lord" (Matthew 25:23).
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