Saturday, October 22, 2011

Beauty on a Tree Stump

Nine times out of ten if you see me, I have a camera close by. At home I hang it on the back of a chair in the dining room. It seems there is always something beautiful that God has made, and I like to take beautiful pictures.

In our back yard I have made pictures of squirrels, red birds kissing, or what I wanted to think they were doing, the popcorn tree, and even shadows on the ground. But the other day I went out back and saw one of the most beautiful mushrooms I have ever seen. I dashed back into the house as if I didn't rush it would surely be gone by the time I got back, got my camera, and headed back outside.

Now I have never studied mushrooms. I don't like their taste or anything about the kind we eat, but this mushroom nestled in an old tree stump really caught my eye. I wanted to save it forever. The only way I knew I could preserve the beauty was to take a picture of it. The mushroom looked like it was made from satin...layer upon layer of it.

Only God could make such a beautiful mushroom. I hope you enjoy it too!