Lala needed some legs and she needed a pretty little outfit. With a trip to the local thrift store, I found the ideal dress for Lala. It was a 24-month size, and when Art made and shipped her legs to me, she was ready then for shoes. With a red dress, she needed red shoes to match. A trip to the nearest Walmart led me right to the little size 8 red cloth shoes that just fit Lala. I don't know what the people shopping in the shoe department must have thought when they saw me down on the floor with a pair of puppet legs trying to stuff the feet in different sizes of little red shoes. After getting the right fit, I went to find red ribbons needed to tie her pigtails tightly and then she would be ready to go.
Lala and I are going to start working together April 17, at the Geneva Women's center. Professional? No. Fun? Absolutely!!!! Watch out. We may come your way soon.